Hi, Doug,
I think the problem that we are having is wrapped up in the idea that JFR evidently believed in two seperate dates, both of which he pursued right up to 1929. As far as I can determine, up to the publication of his book "Prohecy" JFR believed, and taught:
1 That Jesus had come invisibly in 1874
2 That the Gentile Times ended in 1914, and Jesus began His rule.
Now the catch is that when JFR made references to 1914 in pre-1929 publications he always referred to no 2 above, not no 1. For instance in the WT of Mar 1 1925, pg 69, he wrote: "In that year, 1914, the Lord took up his power and began to reign" As can be seen the reference is not to the Parousia of Christ, which to JFR was in 1874, but to the taking up of kingdom rule.
So, yes, we will find occassions when JFR made reference to 1914, but never, to the best of my knowledge to the invisible presence of Christ taking place then.
Now, the interesting thing is, that JFR never mentioned the invisible presence of Christ as having taken place in 1874 ever again since the 1929 publication of his book "Prophecy" [pg 65]
What we will need to find then, are not just those places where JFR mentioned 1914, but where, prior to 1929, he used it for the second presence. I cannot find any.
Somtime between 1929-1940, JFR reversed himself, and merged the two events, the second Presence, and the taking up of Kingdom power into one date, 1914,which is the current understanding, and which most people assume is what JFR believed prior to 1929. I think this is incorrect, he did not.
The tricky bit is trying to settle when this merging occured, since there is no specific WT that announced this. Remember that there was no reasoned out WT which spelled out the details with regard to the Second Presence as taking place in 1914, as there was in the pre-1929 days when this was attributed to 1874. JFR merely made oblique references to this new teaching with no overt explanations, and the R&F were expected to follow along or buzz off.
My understanding is that it was only later that FF made copius references to arrows and squiggles and whatnot placing the second presence in 1914. I feel that all that was done was to appropriate all the arguments reasoned out for 1874, but now making them refer to 1914.
The failure of the 1874 doctrine must have been a humiliating experience for the WT leadership, and their nimble adjustment to 1914, made by using vague references to scripture, and downright and deliberate obfuscation of their own history, helped them to survive the crisis.